

Following a break-up, Lou rents out a room in her apartment to Charlotte, a photographer in search of a new place to live.

Initially Lou is perturbed by Charlotte’s casual sexuality, as much as she is drawn in by her beauty and charisma. Just as the two women come together in a relationship, and Lou begins exploring new sensations and experiences, tragedy strikes. Struck by a car on her bicycle, Lou is left immobilized. It falls to Charlotte, along with the help of a sexual surrogate, Emma, to show Lou that her body is not all suffering but also pleasure. The love of Charlotte and the sessions with Emma bolster Lou through the hard work of recovery, as she begins to regain her hope and self-esteem.
Directed by Anoushka, 2000, France, 91 minutes. Stars Romy Furie, Bertoulle Beaurebec, Yumie Volupte and Bishop Black.
Producer: KAALK Production
Writer: Anoushka

date & time:
Saturday, May 7 @ 10:00 PM Eastern
+ encore streaming on-demand Monday 5/9-Sunday 5/15
streaming location:
CineKink on PinkLabel.TV
Included in the CineKink 2022 festival or film pass, no individual tickets are available.