afterglow party

Your last chance to meet, mix and mingle with your fellow CineKinksters, this time in a relaxed play party setting.

Three floors dedicated to your sexy explorations. Snuggle into the sofas, find yourself a private nook or recline across a friendly lap, and settle in for one final evening of CineKinky goodness as you become the main entertainment!

And our sizzling, featured works for the evening include:

the chase

How meta… a sex party within a sex party?!? Our paths cross in interesting ways and sometimes the objects of our desire don’t stand still. But with enough of a chase we can often find our fantasy fulfilled.
Directed by Urvashi, 2017, USA, 12 minutes. Stars Nyx and Henrik.

we are the fucking world

Raising funds to support the fight against homo/bi/transphobia, this film documents how nine queer pornstars meet to shoot an orgy. Manifest for a pornography based on consent, this film wants to show, beyond the question of gender or sexual orientation, the beauty of every body and every desire.
Directed by Olympia De G., 2017, Spain, 33 minutes. Stars Bishop Black, Lina Bembe, Sadie Lune, Jesse Stryder, Mathilde, Peach Lowe, Candy Flip, Theo Meow and Finn Peaks.


A queer and transfeminist sci-fi vision, shows the neuroanarcoqueer community and their use of brain implants as means for pleasure and explorations of sexuality, as well as the state laboratories running medical experiments. It reflects on tensions of queer bodies with experiments, technologies and the laboratory as a place of violence, desire, creativity and power. Directed by Eric Pussyboy, 2017, USA, 38 minutes. Stars Ze Royale, Lina Bembe, Maria Bruxxxa, Slate Gray, Dollar Baby, Jenny Tale, Ebb Terrible, Maria Basura, Emy Fem, Bear, Bahar, Felina and Eric Pussyboy. » watch trailer

generous gestures

Simultaneously depicts ten free, friendly and utterly lascivious one-hour butt massages. No sound, no dialogue, no faces or identities; one happy and hardworking pair of hands. Ten different stories competing for your attention. Directed by Dirty Surface, 2013, USA, 60 minutes.

date & time:
Sunday, March 18
9:00 pm – 12:30 am
(or join us for the Awards Celebration at 7pm)
Bowery Bliss; address to be released to pass and ticket-holders just prior to event
Priority entrance given to CineKink NYC All-Access pass-holders. A limited number of advance purchase admissions will be available for $40/individual; $50/duo; $70/triad. All genders, orientations and proclivities are welcome. We strive to create a safe, non-judgmental place where you can explore your sexuality!

No door sales.

21 and over only; no alcohol for sale, byo permitted/mixers and light nibbles provided. Feel free to bring your toy bag and any preferred supplies…lockers available, bring your own lock!!