covid precautions

Quality masks (N95, K95, KF94) are required at all screenings when you are not actively eating or drinking. We will have some on hand to give to anyone who does not have one.

Our theater, Wild Project, has upgraded their HVAC with MERV13 filtration, and we will be bringing in additional air purifiers.

Our parties are being held at venues with plenty of access to outdoor space. Masks are encouraged, especially when passing through indoors, though not required.

We ask that you stay home if you feel sick, and will give you a full refund or exchange should you need one for this reason.

As much as we’d love for Covid to be over, we’re not so sure that it is. Thanks for helping us do what we can to keep each other safe(r)!

(Note… a virtual edition of the festival will take place in the next couple of months, for those who aren’t able to attend or who don’t feel comfortable joining us for our in-person festivities. We’ll be announcing those dates shortly!)