presented by the crucible…
cinekink: dc
november 24, 2012
CineKink – “the kinky film festival” – hits DC for a hot, one-night stand!
Celebrating and exploring a wide diversity of sexuality, the films and videos in this sex-positive and kink-friendly showcase range from documentary to drama, camp comedy to hot porn, mildy spicy to quite explicit – and everything in between.
Click program titles for film descriptions, pics and trailers…
saturday, november 24th – 6:00 pm
kink & kinship
. A collection of works that celebrate and explore the special sense
. of community our kinks tend to engender.
program includes:
The Transsexual Dominatrix
So Pomo
Lenny Waller Memorial
Sisterhood of the Sash: International Ms Leather at 25
High: A Black Party Symphony
» more info
saturday, november 24th – 8:00 pm
best of cinekink/2012
.A special screening of award-winning shorts deemed the year’s
.best from CineKink, “the kinky film festival!”
program includes:
The Transsexual Dominatrix
Baldguy (Skallamann)
Pedal to Pleasure
What Makes Us Queer
Smut Capital of America
Craigslist Dating
Tooshie Smooshie
A Day in the Country
» more info
And then, for those who desire, stick around for a
2012 tour sponsors
16 M Street, NE
Washington, DC » map
(one block from the Red line NY Ave station)
advance / $10 each screening; $30 for screening + party; $35 both screenings + party
(discounted admission for CineKinksters: $25 screening + party/$30 both screenings + party )
door / $15 each screening; $40 for screening + party; $45 both screenings + party
Admission restricted to Crucible members and guests; 18+ only
advance tickets:
Buy advance tickets via The Crucible!
Joining us? RSVP on FetLife and/or let your Facebook friends know!