

In an attempt to improve their marriage, a couple books an appointment with renowned sex therapist Dr. Harvey Buñuel. Over the course of five sessions he has them participate in increasingly surreal exercises designed to help with their intimacy problems. What will be the ultimate solution?

Directed by Dashiell Demeter, 2017, USA, 63 minutes. Stars Cerris Morgan-Moyer, Andy Gates and Pancho Moler.

preceded by

closet made of sheets

Two friends reflect on their secret desires in this colorful, romantic fantasy.
Directed by and stars Kira Bursky w/Elizabeth Austin, 2017, USA, 3 minutes.


Eliza tries to explore her sexuality within her marriage with her husband Thomas by surprise ordering a female sex robot for them to share. Directed by Anne Hu, 2016, USA 9 minutes. Stars Daniella Rabbani, Tom Lacey and Anne Hu. » watch trailer

the girls were doing nothing

For Jake and Martha, communication has become an obligation, intimacy has become a rarity, and love itself is a cliché. All of that is about to change when their attractive neighbor asks them for a favor.
Directed by Dekel Berenson, 2017, United Kingdom, 17 minutes. Stars Malcolm Jeffries, Katie Alexander Thom and Jolie Stanford.

» cinekink: chicago – november 16 @ 7:30 pm
