Nov 092012

Way back in June, at the Leather Pride Night fundraising auction, we optimistically picked up a couple of admissions to Dark Odyssey‘s inaugural San Francisco event, Surrender.

Various circumstances, not withstanding a hurricane and a nor’easter, have conspired to keep us from heading west to partake of the frivolities.

Given that, we would like to pass on the opportunity to a couple of lucky CineKinksters!

We’ve got two (2) tickets to pass along. To enter into consideration, please send an email to cinekink2012 @, headed “Surrender,” including your name and email address, telling us why you’d like to attend.

Since the event starts TOMORROW, Friday, November 9th, please be local to San Francisco – and/or able to get yourself to town in time. The ticket does NOT include travel, hotel, meals or any other amenities.

We’ll be drawing two winners at random from the responses we receive. Entries must be submitted by midnight PT tonight… so hop to it!