Delighted to see that lovely Isabella Rossellini is back with more zoological, er, probings in
On the Red Carpet… Modern Love is Automatic
>During the CineKink NYC/2010 festivities, Ivy Liegh chats with cast and crew of Modern Love is Automatic, including director Zach Clark, actresses Maggie Ross and Melodie Sisk, and cinematographer Daryl Pittman.
The stylized film, which won a CineKink Select Award for Creative Vision, asks some burning questions: Will Lorraine’s secret life as a dominatrix be revealed? And will Adrian sell enough mattresses to be featured in the big coupon spread? In pursuing their hidden desires and misguided dreams, both girls find their paths crossing in ways they never expected.
On the Red Carpet… Anti-Samaritan Hotline
>During the CineKink NYC/2010 festivities, Ivy Liegh chats with director A. Tad Chamberlain about his film, Anti-Samaritan Hotline.
The film, which won a CineKink Select Award for Creative Vision, is a “comedy about death, despair, suicide and sado-masochism.”
’S&M Judge’ to open CineKink NYC
>The CineKink “Season Opener” selection for our seventh annual film festival, CineKink NYC, running February 16-21, 2010, will be the US premiere of the award-winning drama, S&M Judge.

“S&M Judge is a beautiful and moving account of the conflict many face in balancing their sexual desires with societal views of what is ‘normal’—and with outmoded legal restrictions that are still on the books in many communities,” said Lisa Vandever, co-founder and director of CineKink. “We’re very proud to give the film its US premiere and present it to our audiences.”
>With Conan getting the shaft from NBC, he’s recently been considering a turn from television to hard-core porn–“a classier business with better people.”
Here he announces some of the titles we can expect from his new venture:
Alright, you’re hearing it here… we’re calling dibs on NBC Lawyer Gang Bang: The Backend Deal for CineKink 2011!
Ah, yes… Happy New Year!
>With so many distractions, completely lost track of the time… even though it’s right there on the wrist. And there. And there! Oh, you didn’t […read more…]
>That whole thing about Mommy kissing Santa Claus?
>(Mom is Santa snagged via Erika Lust) Clearly an argument for a ToiBocks or a locking bag from For Your Nymphomation. Meantime, here’s to happy […read more…]
>Sissies Gone Wilder!!
>We could try to pass it off as brilliant planning, but it was actually fortuitous happenstance that Sissy Stephanie and Sissy Carol, co-stars of the […read more…]
>Where in the world…
>…have we been hiding? For the past week, at least, it’s been off to Germany, where we had the pleasure of attending the Pornfilmfestival Berlin! […read more…]
>Mumbleporn? Swanberg revolutionizes full frontal!
>Recalling his shocked dismay upon learning of all the governmental regulations around filmic depictions of sex, we’d like to think that director Joe Swanberg‘s participation […read more…]