’S&M Judge’ to open CineKink NYC

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Jan 272010

>The CineKink “Season Opener” selection for our seventh annual film festival, CineKink NYC, running February 16-21, 2010, will be the US premiere of the award-winning drama, S&M Judge.

Directed by Flemish filmmaker Erik Lamens and based on a celebrated Belgian incident, the film tells of a respected judge who, desperate to save his marriage, reluctantly gives in to fulfilling the masochistic desires his wife has been hiding from him for decades. Initially shocked at her revelation, his love helps him overcome his inhibitions, and they begin to enjoy a secret life in the city’s underground S/M scene.
But when the two are caught up in a police sting, his arrest and trial cause a national scandal. While their activities have been purely consensual, the court views his participation as criminal, putting his job, reputation and family life in jeopardy.

S&M Judge is a beautiful and moving account of the conflict many face in balancing their sexual desires with societal views of what is ‘normal’—and with outmoded legal restrictions that are still on the books in many communities,” said Lisa Vandever, co-founder and director of CineKink. “We’re very proud to give the film its US premiere and present it to our audiences.”

S&M Judge will screen on Wednesday, February 17, 6:45 pm at Anthology Film Archives, where the majority of the festival screenings are also unfolding.
CineKink NYC kicks off the previous evening, Tuesday, February 16, with a gala fundraising party, and runs through Sunday, February 21, concluding with an awards ceremony and an AfterGlow closing party.
More info on all that–and advance tickets–coming soon!
Update: Tickets are available here! A donation of 25% from all advance ticket sales will go to support NCSF.

>Forget Kanye…’I’m Polyamorous’ on MTV!

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Sep 152009

>Slightly lost in the ongoing hub-bub over Kayne West’s outburst on the Music Video Awards, this week MTV True Life premiered an episode, “I’m Polyamorous,” that follows young polyamorous sorts in both NYC and the Carolinas.

Diana Adams, one of these sorts, writes of the experience:

The decision to share my polyamorous life with millions of people on MTV is scary because being non-monogamous is taboo. I don’t think polyamory is right for everyone, and I respect monogamous relationships, but I’ve found that having more than one partner is really right for me. I am telling my story so that young people will realize that there are many choices in relationships, love, and family style. Breaking the rules about what love should look like and sharing that with the world is risky, but being fearlessly open to the world also feels incredibly freeing!


Shortly available online, the episode will be airing on MTV throughout the month and posts from those featured in the show will appear on the blog for the series. Take a look, leave your comments, share with the world what’s worked for you–or not–in polyamory!

>Taking it to the White House

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Jun 302009

>CineKink alumni director Scott Bloom (CineKink ‘06 & ‘08) reports that a copy of his amazing documentary, Call Me Troy, was handed off to Michelle Obama during yesterday’s meet-up with LGBT community leaders.

A profile of gay rights activist and founder of Metropolitan Community Churches, Rev. Troy Perry, the work is an important chronicle of the fight for sexual freedom and a moving tribute to a man who proclaimed that sexuality and religion – Christianity, even! – need not be separate.

Here’s hoping the President makes time in his schedule for a screening and, inspired by Troy’s example, room in his heart to be a truly “fierce advocate” for LGBT rights.