Sep 262008

>We’re a little dubious about how affirmative a depiction one might expect in Choke, the adaptation of the Chuck Pulahniuk novel of the same name, but we have been amused at the trailer’s bits of a forced entry roleplay scenario unfolding in the midst of cable news coverage of our nation’s pending financial “bail-out.”

Here, in a clip from the movie, our haplass, sex-addicted protagonist negotiates the terms of said scenario:

The movie opens tonight, but in the meantime, distributor Fox Searchlight is interested in hearing about your favorite types of roleplay. If you’d like to weigh in–or check in on some of the creative (or not) suggestions thus far–your chance is right here.

Apr 092008

A new documentary, Stalags, examines the pornographic paperbacks, featuring colorful depictions of buxom SS officers bending captives to their will, that cropped up in Israel around the time of the Holocaust trials in the early 1960s.

Claims by Max Mosley to the contrary notwithstanding – and as a subsequent slew of sexploitative titles will attest – Nazi iconography can pack a huge libidinous wollop. In a comprehensive review of the film, Lauren Wissot discusses the film’s powerful dissecting of the phenomenon:

Simply put, this film is a revelation. Like the best investigative journalists, Libsker patiently sifts through each and every contradiction to discover that something that would seem so horrifically paradoxical on its face proves ultimately inevitable beneath the surface. How could Israeli Nazi pornography even exist, let alone be a widespread phenomenon? Stalags answers, “How could it not?”

Stalags open tonight at NYC’s Film Forum and runs through 4/22.

Aug 102007

>We’re not sure what it is, but lately we’ve been feeling several steps behind in catching up with just about everything. Hopefully we’re getting a handle on that. One day… taxes nailed! The next… we’re clawing through the episodes that have been stockpiling for our eventual viewing pleasure osmosis.

So, with many thanks to the wonders of digital video, we recently caught up with Entourage‘s “The Day F*ckers,” in which assumed comic relief side-kicks, Turtle and Drama, encounter still more wacky, sexual hijinks in the wilds of Hollywood. This time, barely recovered from their humilating ordeal of sex with old chicks, Turtle comes across a hot blonde who has very specific notions of what she wants from him.

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It’s put a bit less delicately in the actual dialogue, but sex still being sex for one of them, no matter the trappings, herein is the storyline’s, er, denouement: