Aug 132008

>Even though it was first released in 1997, Preaching to the Perverted was an obvious choice to open the first-ever CineKink NYC back in 2003, where it took home one of our first-ever Audience Choice Awards.

From British director Stuart Urban, the movie follows a fresh-faced infiltrator who is dispatched by moral crusaders in Parliament to gather evidence against fetish clubs in the United Kingdom, where many of the saucier activities are illegal. Thrust into a shiny latex world of clubs and parties, he instead – of course! – becomes infatuated with Tanya Cheex, leader of the fetish scene on both sides of the Atlantic. While he wants her to calm down, become “normal” and avoid going to jail, she wants to pervert him. Who will win? We can only say “hmmm…”

While it’s one of the few wholeheartedly S/M-positive films created to date and a favorite recommendation, until now only a trimmed-up R-rated version has been available on DVD in the US.


But brilliant news! Featuring interview extras by film critic Alonso Duralde with the beyond-sexy star of the movie, Guinevere Turner, there’s a new version out that is touted as unrated and looks to have a likely-key three minutes returned to its running time.

Starting today, freshly available on DVD… Preaching To The Perverted: Guinevere Turner Signature Edition!

Apr 042008


Snagged from Viviane’s Sex Carnival, a jolly and forthright presentation on the benefits and how-to of regularly checking for testicular cancer, as demonstrated by the host of the UK programme Embarrasing Illnesses and a freshly scrubbed rugby team. (Yes, there are naughty bits!)

And this, recently forwarded by CineKinkster’s mum, just one selection from an email entitled “What’s Under Those Kilts?”


Color us anglophilic!