>Best of NYC!

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Oct 292009

>A lovely gift greeted our return from Berlin this week… the realization that we’d been selected by the Village Voice for their annual “Best of NYC” issue!


We’re naturally very honored that the publication has distinguished us as being the city’s Best Way to Watch Smutty Movies:

If you’re wary of catching an Xtube virus and are looking for cleaner digs than whatever’s left of Times Square’s naughty picture joints, CineKink NYC is there for you. Each February, this festival provides the means for you to ditch the laptop and the privacy of your own home, and enjoy kinky film the way it’s meant to be enjoyed—in the company of strangers, of course.

Of course! (Though if you’d like to bring a friend along, that’s perfectly fine, too.)

Read along here for the rest of the accolades…


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Jul 142008

>While we generally prefer to think of Sundance as the PG-13 rated CineKink, we’re always a sucker for the sight of our name in print, plus an opportunity to wax rhapasodic about our favorite subject… kinky cinema!

Have Highbrow Porn, Will Travel
Violet Blue investigates CineKink, the X-rated Sundance
SF Gate
… they do make good porn; it’s just not terribly easy to find amid all the noise and hype, online and off — let alone the kind of erotic cinema that film fans would dig (or get off to). That’s where Lisa Vandever comes in. A producer and consultant with more than fifteen years’ experience in film and television, Vandever founded the nationally touring, sexually explicit (and very popular) film festival CineKink in 2002. The festival selects, awards and tours sex-positive, edgy and, especially, arousing film and television selections from mainstream porn to indies, Hollywood and beyond.

Read more

Thanks, Violet!

>Yeah, what is our perversion?!?

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Mar 022007

>Tune in today, Friday, March 2, as the RadioChick takes on CineKink’s Lisa Vandever in a wild game of “What’s My Perversion?!?” (Yeah, yeah – we hear you. Shouldn’t that be “What’s NOT my perversion?!?”)

The RadioChick Show on Free FM

That’s TODAY – March 2nd @ 5 pm

92.3 FM in NYC or listen via the the FreeFM website.

Call in at (866)313-FREE.


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Jan 242007

>Fresh from our final, sell-out screenings at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, we’re finally back from San Francisco with some great memories, a few new friends, several extra pounds – and a nice batch of blurbs for the collection:

“More like Wild Kingdom than Girls Gone Wild, the CineKink 2007 series …neutrally observes sexual transgression: the forms it takes, the relief it offers, and the privacy it (often jubilantly) breaches.”
Sara Schieron, San Francisco Bay Guardian

“CineKink’s entries are often injected with a refreshing dose of camp and playfulness…Equal parts raunchy and sexy, the festival succeeds because it never loses sight of sex’s potential for absurdity and transcendence.”
Nirmala Nataraj, SF Weekly

“Seeing all those body parts at the AVN expo is analogous to the separation between sex and sensuality evident in AVN’s typical lineup of winners. We’re only going to find sexual authenticity and really hot porn when we reconnect those parts to actual people, like those behind the indie efforts found at CineKink.”
Violet Blue, SF Gate

(And there’s more. Speaking of yours truly, CineKinkster ourselves, Violet Blue also deems us a “…superlative blog.” We’re totally blushing!)

Thanks for the kind words. And thanks to YBCA, film/video curator Joel Shepard and all of you who came out for the SF screenings, for such a fabulous welcome.